
Business Blog

SportDOG Brand Capitalizes on Hunters' Passion for Camo

“Designed by folks as ducky as you.” That’s one of the clever taglines that SportDOG Brand uses to advertise its WetlandHunter remote dog training collar. The company’s marketing campaign is meant to appeal to hunters’ passion for waterfowing. And for more than a decade, Realtree patterns and branding on WetlandHunter products have supported that premise.

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Hunting Boots: 5 High-Performance Trend-Setters

Hunting is more than a sport or a weekend activity to most folks … it’s a bona fide lifestyle. Perhaps that’s why the average hunter spends more than $2,000 a year on their favorite outdoors pursuits. Rolled into those expenditures, at least every couple of years for most hunters, are dollars spent on new footwear — specifically boots of all styles.

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Crosman Successful by Pushing Air Rifle Capabilities

Years ago, shooters who wanted a pre-charged pneumatic (PCP) air rifle had to spend four figures to order one from overseas or have a gun custom-built. Nowadays, they can find high-performance PCP air rifles online, in stores and in retail catalogs for a few hundred dollars. Needless to say, the air rifle market has advanced beyond catering solely to youngsters and esoteric hobbyists. Many modern PCP models are legitimate hunting guns, and retailers and consumers have taken notice.

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How Big is the Shooting Market?

The number of participants in recreational shooting activities has been on the rise for the past several years. While most folks within the hunting and shooting industry know this, what does this really mean in terms of numbers? In other words, how big of a market are we talking about here?

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Crossbow Boom Kickstarts Hunting Businesses

There have been few success stories in the hunting industry as compelling as the rise of the modern crossbow and crossbow hunting. Crossbows themselves have been around since 700 BC. However, it has seemingly taken nearly that long for hunters to realize they belong in the bowhunting community.

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The Tax that Hunters are Proud to Pay

Most consumers and employees in the outdoor industry are aware that sportsmen and women are the biggest contributors to conservation via their support of conservation groups and purchases of hunting licenses. And then there’s the “excise tax.” Most people have heard of it, but do you know exactly what it is and how it impacts the health of America’s wildlife populations?

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