Where to Find the Hunters, State by State
- November 9, 2015
- By Randall Mueller
- Research

It’s always interesting to analyze the number of hunters in each state. If you’re trying to target a particular state or region with your marketing message, knowing where to get the most bang for your buck is just plain smart.
Hunter numbers by state aren’t difficult to find. Stats can be based on a variety of reporting methods (which I recently explained here). In case you’re wondering which states sell the most hunting licenses, let me save you a Google search:
Based on 2013 information from the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Texas is the hands-down winner with slightly more than 1 million licenses sold. Next comes Pennsylvania at 969,000; Michigan with 763,000; Tennessee with 727,000; Wisconsin with 717,000; Minnesota with 592,000; New York with 535,000; Alabama with 507,000; and Missouri with 496,583.
Those are some big numbers, for sure, but what’s even more interesting to look at is what percentage of any given state’s residents are hunters. Combining USFWS data with 2013 U.S. Census Bureau data, this chart is a snapshot of each state’s hunting enthusiasm. All stats are based on the population that is 15 years or older. Check it out. I hope you get more enjoyment from reading it than I did typing it.
And here’s a tip: Next time you get tired of anti-hunters putting a damper on your sport or your business, just to go South Dakota, where you’ll have nearly a 40% chance of always being in good company.
Check back here at the Business Blog often. We’ll continue to bring you information on hunting population trends and demographics that will benefit your sales and marketing strategies.